Thursday, September 24, 2009

Zombie Marathon

Okay one of these weekends soon I need to get a bunch of Zombie flicks and a ton of Beef JErky and just tuck in and zombify....

Not Much going on - LDM (Little Demon Monkey My nickname for my youngest just shy of 2 yrs) is being a little beast earning her title and then some many times over. Misty is good, Brit just turned 13... two teens in the house... how the hell did my parents do it and NOT kill us?

Thursday, August 13, 2009


For some ungodly reason I have had zombies on the brain a lot of late. I guess it means that it's time for more zombie books and movies to release into the mainstream media again.

I like zombie fiction especially done well - I like the characters that are never say die... or maybe more like never say undeath and keep slogging through no matter what because they have faith that there will be an outcome other than becoming zombie or zombiechow...

right now i have three projects for my own fiction that want to shamble forth, one I've been putting off for a little over a year and was supposed to be my NaNoWriMo work last year... never happened.. more of that will show up at my writing blog which I need to pay more attention to but oh well....

Strange thing about Zombie fiction when I start craving / consuming zombie fiction I notice I also start craving / consuming a lot of beef jerky

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thank them daily.

There are times when things calm down around me enough that I remember there is a greater world out there and I feel petty and selfish and like a complete tool. Well maybe not a COMPLETE tool I still have a few credit hours to go before I get my degree in toolhood but I'm digressing.

I keep forgetting that there are men and women out there that have volunteered their time and their lives to keep my ingratiate fat ass safe. I'm talking about our Military forces and our Emergency Services (I roll Law Enforcement in Emergency Services)Yes they collect a paycheck for keeping our asses safe and I honestly don't think it's nearly enough. These are people that chose to serve their fellow man instead of being served by them.

Thank everyone you meet that belongs to any kind of role that involves keeping us safe. We owe them at least that much.

Right now there are men and women getting shot at, risking infectious disease and running into burning buildings across this nation and the world serving their fellow man. Do they ask for thanks... rarely they might but usually not it's just how they were built. Thank you to every cop, every firefighter, every medic and paramedic, every soldier, sailor, marine, and airman that ever put on a uniform.

Lord please keep our military men and women, and those in our emergency services and law enforcement agencies safe, guide them home to their families, and thank you for giving us these great people to help us stay safe and healthy and free. I pray that we may see the day where we grow up enough as a race to no longer need their services, but until that day Thank you for their presence, and their commitment to duty.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Tired so freaking tired....

Well life is keeping me busy - Apparently I have a fourth child now.... well to care for at least - Son's friend is living with us now as he and his parents cant' see eye to eye. And the thing that really pisses his dad off and confuses the hell out of me is the rules I've established are the exact same ones he refuses to live under at his parents home... we'll see how long this lasts....

Ipod has gone AWOL - I blame Phill Rossi - I was listening to Crescent his podcast novel that actually goes on sale in print tomorrow - and I think the story scared my Ipod so bad it's in hiding for fear of having to play more - I think it's kick ass so far. Great talent both writing and voice work.

Been going nuts trying to find Ipod - missed a deadline for submitting a story idea because the only place I had the data was on the Ipod... kinda pissed about that....

It went missing right after an argument with my son who has a tendency to take our things when he doesn't get his way he swears he didn't take it... dunno I had it in the van plugged into a cassette adapter and remember unplugging it and sticking it in my breast pocket then putting it with everything else I emptied out then next mornign when I went to synch it gone.... Which means I'm screwed can't replace a big ticket (for me it's big ticket) item like that likely until tax time if even then.

well back to the real world.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I am a BAD blogger....

Well crap I've let this slip from my mind yet again....

Then again trying to create a podcast and find time to record, working on my fiction, trying to study for my CCNA cert, trying to raise a family, and trying to make sure I find tie to thank God for everything I have can all be a little daunting add in a few blogs and no wonder I can't keep anything straight.

Life's been okay not great but not horrid - Due to the economy doesn't look like I'm getting a raise this year but the fact that I actually have a job when others in my dept don't... I'll settle with getting a paycheck at all.

Wife and kids are doing okay so far. Still plotting the remaking of a man trying to figure out what I really want out of life and what I need to change to get there (other than the wife and kids I have absolutely no plans on changing any of them out.... well maybe the teens' attitudes but I was there not too long ago I know they'll grow out of it I just want some miracle grow so that shit happens over night and not in years....)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Try this again....

Wow It's been years litterally since I used this blog last.

Time to get rid of the crap and start fresh.

Lord thank you for this day you've granted me, thank you for all the blessings in my life those I recognize and even more for those I don't. Thank you for the lessons you've given me the tests that I've both passed and failed, please grant me the wisdom to do better at them in the future.

Bless those that watch over us Lord, the military, the police, the firefighters, the medics, doctors, politicians.

Bless my family and my friends, let those that have not found your glory come to find it, let those that have lost their way find it again.

Grant me the wisdom Lord to live as you want me to, to be the servant you want me to be, and to love you not like I think you should be loved but how you want me to love you.

In your name I pray - Amen

I may not be your typical Christian, I may have my moments of crying out to the Lord and ranting, but I do love God.

I wouldn't have survived a quarter of the stupid things i have done if it weren't for God, I am sure of it.

Let's see if i can keep this blog going this time?