Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thank them daily.

There are times when things calm down around me enough that I remember there is a greater world out there and I feel petty and selfish and like a complete tool. Well maybe not a COMPLETE tool I still have a few credit hours to go before I get my degree in toolhood but I'm digressing.

I keep forgetting that there are men and women out there that have volunteered their time and their lives to keep my ingratiate fat ass safe. I'm talking about our Military forces and our Emergency Services (I roll Law Enforcement in Emergency Services)Yes they collect a paycheck for keeping our asses safe and I honestly don't think it's nearly enough. These are people that chose to serve their fellow man instead of being served by them.

Thank everyone you meet that belongs to any kind of role that involves keeping us safe. We owe them at least that much.

Right now there are men and women getting shot at, risking infectious disease and running into burning buildings across this nation and the world serving their fellow man. Do they ask for thanks... rarely they might but usually not it's just how they were built. Thank you to every cop, every firefighter, every medic and paramedic, every soldier, sailor, marine, and airman that ever put on a uniform.

Lord please keep our military men and women, and those in our emergency services and law enforcement agencies safe, guide them home to their families, and thank you for giving us these great people to help us stay safe and healthy and free. I pray that we may see the day where we grow up enough as a race to no longer need their services, but until that day Thank you for their presence, and their commitment to duty.

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