Thursday, August 13, 2009


For some ungodly reason I have had zombies on the brain a lot of late. I guess it means that it's time for more zombie books and movies to release into the mainstream media again.

I like zombie fiction especially done well - I like the characters that are never say die... or maybe more like never say undeath and keep slogging through no matter what because they have faith that there will be an outcome other than becoming zombie or zombiechow...

right now i have three projects for my own fiction that want to shamble forth, one I've been putting off for a little over a year and was supposed to be my NaNoWriMo work last year... never happened.. more of that will show up at my writing blog which I need to pay more attention to but oh well....

Strange thing about Zombie fiction when I start craving / consuming zombie fiction I notice I also start craving / consuming a lot of beef jerky

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