Saturday, January 17, 2009

Try this again....

Wow It's been years litterally since I used this blog last.

Time to get rid of the crap and start fresh.

Lord thank you for this day you've granted me, thank you for all the blessings in my life those I recognize and even more for those I don't. Thank you for the lessons you've given me the tests that I've both passed and failed, please grant me the wisdom to do better at them in the future.

Bless those that watch over us Lord, the military, the police, the firefighters, the medics, doctors, politicians.

Bless my family and my friends, let those that have not found your glory come to find it, let those that have lost their way find it again.

Grant me the wisdom Lord to live as you want me to, to be the servant you want me to be, and to love you not like I think you should be loved but how you want me to love you.

In your name I pray - Amen

I may not be your typical Christian, I may have my moments of crying out to the Lord and ranting, but I do love God.

I wouldn't have survived a quarter of the stupid things i have done if it weren't for God, I am sure of it.

Let's see if i can keep this blog going this time?

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